
Thursday 31 January 2013

ON THE LOOSE!! : "Who let the dogs & cats out?"

Stray Dogs & Cats :

How can this beautiful neighbourhood be filled stray dogs and cats? What attracted them to be here? We found at that one of the joggers was attacked by the stray dogs. My first thought would be that residence here might have feed this stray animal. But after working around and investigating the place, we FOUND THIS!
Litters found around Valley street.

Litters everywhere! : Our responsibility

According to feeding this stray animal are not illegal BUT, littering are. So the increase of littering might be the cause of this problem. Having more litters around would provide as a food source for this animals. The only solutions is for us to work together! Cleaning this place and keeping it clean by not littering. 



ON THE LOOK OUT: Crime on the RISE!

Increase of Vandalism:

Valley Street has been on the ATTACK of vandalism. Recently car and public property has been damage by suddenly. Those responsible it still on the loose but this action must be stopped.
So resident, hoping that your beloved vehicles are not the nest target? Or you wish to see our neighbourhood clean and safe? Then follow this steps.


  1. Be on a lookout any suspicious act.
  2. Inform your friends, family and neighbour regarding this matter.
  3. Inform the Neighbourhood crime prevention Team or 999 (police) if this act is going on.
  4. Do not take act on your own. Always remember to BE SAFE :D

ON THE LOOK OUT: Crime on the RISE!

Singapore Police Force "Pick Pocket" poster.

Report of Pick Pocketers: 

Been in this situation before? Some of our residents has been a victim of this crime, Pick-pocketing. Like my previous post, 'Vandalism' similarly this case has been on the rise as well. Yet again this petty criminal are getting away scot-free. Is this because not report were made? Or could it be our fault that this happen to us? 


Video on Bob Arno. Quick tips to prevent Pick-pocketers.


  1. Never give an opportunity for criminals
  2. Always keep your belongings close with you.
  3. Do not carry to many valuables with you.
  4. Bags being open and expose = Easy target!